What about insurance, are Men's Shed members insured?
Shed members are fully insured, our insurance is arranged by the shed in conjunction with the Australian Men's Shed Association.
2. I'm a support worker and I have a client who would like to come along to the shed, is that OK?
The Shed is a place where people can work on different projects and learn from each other. However, the Shed is not a service provider for people who have special needs that may affect their involvement in the Shed activities. Therefore, we ask you to think about your own situation and abilities before applying to join us. If you need a personal carer to help you at the Shed or any other event or activity organised by the Shed, please note that the carer must also be a paid member of the Shed and complete induction training. This way, they can participate in the Shed projects and help you enjoy your time at the shed.
3. How much does it cost to be a member at the shed?
The Shed membership fee is $100 per year, fees are due and must be paid by the end of January each year. The membership fee of a person joining the club is to be paid pro-rata on a quarterly basis. That is where a person joins the club during the:
Quarter ending 31st March – Membership fee payable in full.
Quarter ending 30th June - Three-quarters of Membership fee is payable.
Quarter ending 30th September - One-half of Membership fee is payable.
Quarter ending 31st December -One-quarter of Membership fee is payable.
4. Am I able to use the equipment that is available at the shed?
The Rosebud & Districts Men's Shed is committed to providing a safe working environment for its members. The purpose of the Men's Shed movement and our shed is to enhance the health and well-being of our members, both mentally and physically. This would be jeopardised by unsafe work-spaces or unsafe work practices by individual members. Our shed is not a workplace, it is a place where men can socialise and work on personal projects, as long as they are able. Other members may assist when they have more experience and knowledge. However, the members are independent in their actions, unless they are working on a project that benefits the community. There are no managers or supervisors in the shed to instruct a member on a task. However, there are always members who will offer advice and help, whether asked or not. It is up to the member to decide whether to accept it or not. All shed members are required to be inducted on machines and equipment before they are allowed to operate or use them.
5. How is the Shed Managed?
The Shed is managed by a committee of its members. The Shed is a member of the Victorian Men’s Shed Association (VMSA) and the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA). Both Associations hold regular meetings and encourage sheds to support each other.
6. How is the Shed funded?
The Shed Committee is responsible for the maintenance of a sound financial situation. Membership subscriptions are primarily set to maintain the essential basic operations of the Shed, including full insurance cover, equipment safety, site maintenance, utility costs and regular consumables.
Other funds are secured by:
Participation in fund raising activities such as Bunnings BBQ's
Payment for projects completed by the shed
Selling items made at the shed
Grant application to fund the purchase of shed equipment, upgrading of the shed facilities and for the organisation of events for our members and the greater community.